Food Export Blog

In order to bring you the best of the industry trends, current news, upcoming activities, and more we now update our blog more frequently than ever before!

Make sure to check back every couple of weeks for new posts.


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Seafood Program

Introducing the U.S. Atlantic Sea Scallop Buyer’s Guide

February 11, 2022

Find out more abut the online buyer's guide we created for foreign buyers to learn about the U.S. Atlantic Sea Scallop.

Seafood Program

Mexican Market for Northeast US Seafood: Potential for Growth

February 11, 2022

Our In-Market Representative for Mexico explores the possibilities for Northeast seafood products in the Mexican market.

Seafood Program

Market Exploration: Get Valuable Market Insights from In-Market Experts at SENA

February 11, 2022

Learn more about our upcoming no-cost opportunity to meet with our In-Market Representatives at Seafood Expo North America!

Seafood Program

Keeping Northeast U.S. Seafood on Global Consumers’ Minds and Plates in 2021

January 19, 2022

Let’s look back at the success Food Export–Northeast’s global team saw in 2021 across Taiwan, China, Poland, and Germany.

Seafood Program

What Will Happen with International Seafood Tradeshows in 2022?

January 19, 2022

We sat down with Peter Redmayne, President of The Sea Fare Group, and Liz Plizga, Group Vice President of Diversified Communications HQ, to discuss what international seafood tradeshows may look like in 2022.

Branded Program

Branded Program Industry Spotlight Series: Seafood

December 15, 2021

Part 7 of a new blog series that features industry segments and explores how to use the Branded Program to it's fullest potential. This post is about Seafood products.

Seafood Program

Part 2: Expanding Your Overseas Marketing Program Beyond Trade Shows

December 6, 2021

Second blog post in a series highlighting some of the way Northeast US Seafood suppliers can utilized the Branded Program beyond just trade shows.

Seafood Program

Collaborating with Industry Experts to Educate Foreign Buyers on Northeast US Oysters

December 6, 2021

Recently we collaborated with two Northeast oyster experts–Barton Seaver, a renowned seafood chef and author and Bob Rheault, Executive Director of East Coast Shellfish Grower’s Association–to develop new videos on oysters for international buyers and chefs.

Seafood Program

Introducing Northeast American Oysters to Overseas Buyers

December 6, 2021

To help foreign buyers better understand the delicious, diverse, and sustainable Northeast U.S. Oysters we have created an online American Oyster Buyer’s Guide.