Food Export Blog

In order to bring you the best of the industry trends, current news, upcoming activities, and more we now update our blog more frequently than ever before!

Make sure to check back every couple of weeks for new posts.


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Export Education

Export Q & A: U.S. Pet Food Exports Continue to Break Record Highs

December 9, 2022

Strong Momentum for Food Export's Global Pet Expo Buyers Mission

Export Education

Export Q & A: Dollar’s Strength Leads Economic Headwinds

November 8, 2022

How Exports are Challenged when Foreign Currencies Devalue against the Dollar

Export Education

Export Q & A: Responding to a Trade Lead

October 10, 2022

What is the best practice for responding to a Trade Lead?

Export Education

Export Q & A: What to Avoid in Advance of Pursuing Foreign Buyer Leads

August 10, 2022

A "Top 10 Mistakes Made by Food Exporters"

Export Education

Export Q & A: The Growing Market for Meatless, Dairy Less, and Plant-Based Products

July 14, 2022

A summary of the countries with the biggest and fastest growing markets for plant-based, meatless, dairy less products.

Export Education

Export Q & A: 2022 Global Economic Outlook

June 14, 2022

Can U.S. food exports still prosper in 2022 with all the current economic issues?

Export Education

Export Q & A: Acronyms and Abbreviations

May 13, 2022

For World Trade Month we put together a list of the most popular acronyms and abbreviations relevant to the food exporting world.


Export Q & A: Top 3 U.S. Export Markets in South America

April 11, 2022

Top 3 U.S. Export Markets in South America

Export Education

Export Q & A: 2022 Ag Export Forecast

March 14, 2022

2022 U.S. Agricultural Export Forecast