Branded Program Documentation Series: U.S. Origin Statement

The fourth in a 4-part series where we explore the types of documentation needed to approve reimbursement claims for the Food Export-Midwest and Food Export-Northeast Branded Program.

by Mike Hamrock, International Marketing & Branded Program Associate, Food Export – Midwest

This is the fourth blog in a 4-part series where we will explore the types of documentation needed to approve reimbursement claims for the Food Export-Midwest and Food Export-Northeast Branded Program. You’ll find information on our requirements, tips, common mistakes and resolutions, and more. Other topics in this series will include: Proof of PaymentInvoices, and Proof of Activity.

Perhaps the most important aspect of the Branded Program reimbursement process is the U.S. Origin Statement. 

All international activities and materials (including product labels, promotional materials, advertising, booth signage, etc.) must identify the origin of the agricultural commodity as being of U.S. origin. This critical documentation piece not only shows that your products are 50% (by weight) made up of American ingredients, but it also helps to actively promote United States agriculture, food, and beverages abroad.

Some common and eligible examples of U.S. Origin Statements include:

Products of the USA

  • “Product of USA*”
  • “Grown in the USA*”
  • “Made in America*”
  • “Made in the USA*”
  • “Manufactured in the USA*”
  • “Brewed and/or Distilled in the USA*”

*Full name of a U.S. state, no abbreviations, can substitute for “U.S.,” “USA,” or “America” in the above statement.

If you are interested in using an alternative option that aligns more with your products and marketing scheme, please get in touch with Branded Program staff to ensure your origin statement is approved.

Advertisements & Packaging

The U.S. Origin Statement for advertisement expenses submitted under the program vary from expense to expense. Here are a few types and the specific U.S. Origin Statements we have accepted:

Printed Promotional Materials/Advertisements

McClure's New Zealand
           *Product of the USA visible in the bottom right corner


Truck wrap American Garden
*Product from the USA visible under supplier logo in middle of truck

Social Media/Online Advertisements

*Made in Chicago, Illinois visible under the company header

Instagram post Cherry Republic
*Made in the USA visible in the caption

Bassetts Website
*Made in USA visible in top middle header

Give Away Items

Founders Brewed in USA
*Brewed in USA visible on glass cup

POA bottle opener
*Product of USA visible on bottom of bottle opener

PAO mug
*Product of the USA visible on bottom right of coffee mug

Label Modifications

Made in the USA

Made in the USA close up
*Hecho en E.U.A visible on label

In-Person Events

Trade Shows

Koval Booth with arrows
*Product in the USA poster visible on countertop 

In-Store Promotion Materials

Sweet baby rays US Origin
*Made in USA visible on cardboard promo item

POA example
*Made in the U.S.A visible on display sign

Graceland fruit clothing
*Product of USA visible on promo clothing sleeve

Demonstration Materials

Lillie's Made in the USA
*Made in USA sign visible in middle of in store display

Common Mistakes and FAQ’s: 

  • Blurry or unreadable images cannot be accepted – please always remember to provide clear photos displaying your U.S. Origin Statement
  • Brand names that include “USA” or “American” do not qualify as the U.S. Origin Statement
  • All reimbursable packaging and labeling must include an eligible U.S. Origin Statement unless the packaging and labeling are for countries listed on the U.S. Origin Exemption List. The following countries are exempt from the U.S. Origin Statement requirements:
    • Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United States, Yemen
  • The distribution address printed on most labels does not qualify as a U.S. Origin Statement
  • All booth materials submitted for reimbursement must have a U.S. Origin Statement on them to be eligible – a sign in the booth does not cover costs for any other marketing materials.
  • Including just an image of the American flag is not acceptable – there must be text to accompany it.
  • Translated materials must show a U.S. Origin Statement in the language it is translated into.  When submitting documents please identify the translated U.S. Origin text

As always, if you have any questions on your reimbursement claim documentation, you can contact your Branded team, we’re here to help!